I'm Different

I'm Different

I'm Different
From $22.00

A black crew neck t-shirt with the words "I'm Different" printed on it in white stands out as a unique and eye-catching fashion statement. The classic crew neck design ensures comfort and versatility, making it suitable for various Delta occasions.

The words "I'm Different" are prominently displayed in white font, which provides a sharp contrast against the black background, making the message easily visible and legible. 

What makes this shirt particularly distinctive is the creative use of the Greek letter Delta (Δ) as the "D" in the word "Different." This Delta symbol is done in a striking shade of red, which adds a vibrant and bold accent. This choice of using the Delta symbol not only emphasizes the word but also symbolizes a sense of uniqueness and individuality, reinforcing the message "I'm Different."

Areas Covered

Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area

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